Author: metric

James Wieck DEMOTED

Congratulations to Chief Truckee’s new Clampatriarch, James Wieck, who was ignominiously demoted from his lofty office as Noble Grand Humbug last Saturday night.

Demotion of our Noble Grand Humbug Martin “Bear Chaser” Fiesser CY 6027

Announcement: You are cordially invited to the Demotion of our Noble Grand Humbug Martin “Bear Chaser” Fiesser. Event to be held at the Gold & Silver Inn on Saturday 11/12/6027 at 7:00 PM Warm-up at 6:00PM. Location – The Gold & Silver Inn 780 West 4th Street, Reno, NV 89503 (Big Banquet Room) This event…
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Chief Truckee XNGHs

Demotion Dinner, Nov. 14, 2020

Hlavný rozdiel je v zdroji. Predeaculo opúšťa Cooperove mestá a obvyklé – od testu. Ale spermie, v skutočnosti to Keď je muž vzrušený, Cooperské žľazy (sú bulvár) produkujú korisť koristi, ktorá tečie močovou trubicou. Spermie v ňom je trochu a v týchto žľazach sa nevyrábajú.

JCB Summer Doins!

Go check out their website for more information:

Shameless Plug for the JCB 1864 Online Hawker

Hey! The Julia C Bulette Brothers are great! They’re putting their stuff online to make a bit of gold dust. Visit the store if you can: