Congratulations to Chief Truckee’s new Clampatriarch, James Wieck, who was ignominiously demoted from his lofty office as Noble Grand Humbug last Saturday night.
Announcement: You are cordially invited to the Demotion of our Noble Grand Humbug Martin “Bear Chaser” Fiesser. Event to be held at the Gold & Silver Inn on Saturday 11/12/6027 at 7:00 PM Warm-up at 6:00PM. Location – The Gold & Silver Inn 780 West 4th Street, Reno, NV 89503 (Big Banquet Room) This event…
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Hlavný rozdiel je v zdroji. Predeaculo opúšťa Cooperove mestá a obvyklé – od testu. Ale spermie, v skutočnosti to Keď je muž vzrušený, Cooperské žľazy (sú bulvár) produkujú korisť koristi, ktorá tečie močovou trubicou. Spermie v ňom je trochu a v týchto žľazach sa nevyrábajú.
Go check out their website for more information:
Hey! The Julia C Bulette Brothers are great! They’re putting their stuff online to make a bit of gold dust. Visit the store if you can:
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